HMS Disney 2025

2/15/2025 3:21 pm

The Chamber Strings, Spartan Chorale, and Band students performed at Disney Springs, Orlando last Sunday. They all gave a spectacular performance.




HMS Winter Blues Dance this Friday!

2/15/2025 2:15 pm

The much-anticipated “Winter Blues” dance is just around the corner, and it’s more than just an event – it’s a celebration of HMS! Please try to buy your tickets by this Tuesday (2/18) to guarantee dinner delivery! Whether they come for the DJ, the selfie station, the open gym, or the pizza, it will be a night to remember! 

Date: Friday, February 21st
Time: 5:00-7:00pm
Location: Hinsdale Middle School
Attire: Wear blue to show your Spartan Pride
Tickets: $10 in advance, $15 at the door (tickets cover the cost of dinner: two slices of Home Run Inn cheese pizza, Oreos, and water)
How to purchase: Parents send Zelle payment to; include your child's name in the memo.
Permission Slip: Complete and submit the MANDATORY permission slip HERE.

Parent volunteers STILL needed! We appreciate any help to make this dance run smoothly. Sign up HERE.

**Please note, students can arrive anytime between 5pm and 7pm; though to leave early, a parent must sign out the student. For 8th graders participating in Fortnightly, The Community House is aware of the HMS dance. Finally, the dance is open to HMS students only.

We would like to thank CHT Orthodontics for supporting the dance! We encourage families to purchase tickets in advance. If you have any questions, please email

This Wednesday, 2/19: Chick-fil-A Spirit Night Fundraiser!

2/15/2025 2:00 pm

Back by popular demand! Join us for our second annual Chick-fil-A Spirit Night this Wednesday, 2/19, 5:00-8:00pm at the Willowbrook location. Here are the details:

HMS teachers and administrators will be working the register to take your order (in restaurant only).
Participate in the Spin the Wheel to win great prizes! One dollar per spin. BRING CASH.
Meet up with friends for a tasty dinner. HMS students will be there to work the wheel.

Chick-fil-A will donate 20% of all sales back to HMS! Be sure to let a team member know you are there for the Spirit Night. If you can't make it to join in the fun, Door Dash and Uber Eats orders will also honor the give back. Please note HMS Spirit Night in the memo.

HMS Spartan Shack

2/15/2025 1:56 pm

The PTO has been able to fund the Spartan Shack which has many rewards students can earn with Spartan tickets. Students can accumulate tickets toward bigger prizes. Some rewards include fidgets, gift cards, late to class passes, HMS & HC spirit wear, pens, and comic books. HMS staff give Spartan tickets to students who are Actively engaged, Responsible, and Empathetic, which are the HMS expectations of "We A.R.E. Spartans!" If you are interested in donating popular items to the Spartan Shack, contact Dr. Kasia Kula at


PTO Nominating Committee Members Needed!

2/15/2025 1:55 pm

The PTO is looking for parent volunteers to join our nominating committee. According to the by-laws, we need at least two PTO Paid Members who have not served on the Exec Board. Duties include parent volunteer recommendations and discussing potential candidates to fill empty committee and executive board roles on the 2025/2026 PTO school year.

The nominating committee will meet during the remainder of this CURRENT school year. We are looking for diversity in the slate to represent the HMS community as a whole. If you are interested in being part of the nominating committee, please reach out to Molly Painter and Michelle Riley at

WWII Artifacts Wanted

2/15/2025 11:00 am


The WWII Day Committee is looking for your personal, family artifacts from WWII. Letters, clothing, newspaper clippings, small equipment, photographs, gear ... or whatever you have that will give the 8th graders more insight into what it was like to be a part of WWII (whether on the Homefront or abroad). All artifacts will be on display in the LOCKED and SECURE Cafetorium for an in-school field trip on Monday, March 3rd.

Along with the artifact, we would also love a SHORT written "story" to accompany the item so the students understand more about what it is, who it came from, and why it is significant.

Please contact Mr. Dusek ( with questions, comments, or to organize dropping off your artifact. 
All artifacts can be delivered to Mr. Dusek at HMS by Thursday, February 27th.


Chess Club Starts 2/19

2/15/2025 10:30 am

Register for Middle School CHESS CLUB for both HMS & CHMS students!
Learn Fun New Chess Tactics, Strategies, and Openings. Sharpen your skills and raise your game to the next level! Try a week free, email Meetings and instruction supervised by ICT Founder, Paul Raso, USCF blitz rated 2203,, 2597, rating 2650. Beginners and experienced players welcome.

Join us starting on Wednesday, 2/19 from 4:45-6pm at HMS (8 weeks: 2/26, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/9, 4/16)
Register online $199 activity fee at

How Can You Find Beneficial Support Services For Your Child?

2/15/2025 10:22 am

Check out the Hinsdale Central PTO Parent List. It contains first-hand reviews from District 86 and District 181 parents about providers that have helped positively address their child’s anxiety; depression; school avoidance; eating disorders; insomnia; peer relations; grief; stress; substance abuse and more.

Much like “Angie’s List,” The Parent List contains resources in our community that have already been successfully used by another parent. Insightful reviews on doctors, therapists, support groups, inpatient and outpatient programs, tutors, nutritionists, books and holistic medical approaches may all be found on The Parent List.

To read existing Parent List provider reviews, go to

The Parent List always needs fresh referrals to keep current. Help another local parent by leaving your anonymous review on a local provider HERE.

Questions can be directed to:

*In no way does the HMS PTO, HMS staff, or school district 181 endorse or recommend any specific provider reviewed on The Parent List. The Parent List is a subjective forum set up by the Hinsdale Central PTO for your convenience. Parents and guardians are solely responsible for deciding to use any of the service providers on The Parent List in any capacity, and District 181 and the HMS PTO disclaim all liability for any damages, injuries, losses, expenses, or claims of any kind arising out of the provision of services by anyone or any agency appearing on The Parent List.

Upcoming Dates

1/1/2025 6:15 am

  • Chick-fil-A Fundraiser - Wednesday, February 19th, 5-8pm
  • HMS Winter Blues Dance - Friday, February 21st, 5-7pm
  • No School, Institute Day - Friday, February 28th
  • PTO Meeting - Friday, March 14th, 9am 
  • Parent Fundraiser Progressive Dinner Event - Saturday, April 26th, 6pm

Thank You to Our Sponsors

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